A Tempting Break From The Pressure

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, September, 2018, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Puer + Caput Draconis → Amissio (124)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 9th September 2018

Given how much effort you are putting into your work at the moment it is no surprise that you might be seeking a break from the pressures you’re under.

Puer in the sixth house (Aquarius) shows you’re likely to be in the middle of lots of planning and physical preparation. This is because you want to help yourself and others. Aquarius’s influence here shows however that you won’t or can’t do things in the usual way, especially at work. This is likely to make you feel a little impatient, and that impatience might spill over…

The best way to defuse this is to capitalise on the independence you feel. Show you are ready to do things by yourself by being ready to work hard in the first part of the week.

This will not only allow you to progress as fast as possible but it should also make you feel better as you take the lead in moving forward. A cautionary note here is that you should avoid trying to take on too much. This will be important later, as we shall see.

This placement also warns against trying to cut through too many established practices. Roles and habits which make your life easier shouldn’t be changed just for the sake of change. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater! By all means try out new ideas, but don’t be too stubborn or insistent about what, or how, things are done.

Impatience can produce carelessness. So slowing down can help you avoid cuts and other accidents to your hands and head!

The Pars Martii is in the fourth house (Sagittarius) showing (in combination with the first geome) that you’re likely to feel that everything needs your attention at the moment. This could easily lead to you becoming distracted. The key to this placement in the Casting is a drive to get things sorted out.

Take a breath. Don’t take it personally.

It’s also likely that many of the changes that you see around you at the moment are being imposed from the outside and you are concerned about how these may affect your home-life. Instead of allowing your thoughts to charge of in every direction it’s useful to remember that the vast majority of concerns never materialise! Ever!

Caput Draconis in the third house (Scorpio) continues the urge to want to break out of routine. This is a very strong placement for wanting to get stuff done and to stop guessing about the future. There is a deep intensity about change swirling around you at the moment. This is likely to manifest as you focusing on what could be. You’ll find that there is no simple formula to decide what you actually need to do.

The good news is that as and when change does come you will be able to deal with it in the most productive way possible. This placement gives you great stamina and drive. To realise its full potential you’ve just got to let go of baggage. Scorpio will help cut those ties and help you to cut to the heart of the matter.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Amissio (124) in the 12th house (Leo). This again is a strong placement, but a double-edged sword…

It indicates a great need for love and validation for you and for those you with whom you connect. Given the challenges you currently face you could be forgiven for wanting some respite in the form of some tender loving care. The temptation of the suave, the cool and of simple solutions is very seductive. All of us feel a need for a ‘passion or admiration boost’ at times. And while it is natural to pause and regroup you must be aware of temptations drawing you from the path.

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, September, 2018, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Be nice and think carefully, Joshua Rawson Harris, Unsplash, (CC0)

Don’t allow others to flatter you into doing something you’ll regret. Simply allow conditions to stabilise and sort themselves out. Your tender-hearted sacrifice and love should be given only to those who are vulnerable, those who are suffering and those who genuinely need your help — including yourself. A little bit of self-compassion will go a long way and will do you a power of good.

Allow yourself time to reach decisions. Don’t just help people because they say they need help. Be cautious and keep your true feelings hidden. Be magnanimous by all means, but be realistic.

Listening to the lessons of the Active Transform will help you avoid the dramatic. It will help you to look for and find the genuine, the worthy and the true.

Find your true friends.

Avoid seductive flattery.

Work to your true inclinations.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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