This week Puer in the sixth house (Taurus) finds us actively trying to finish off some work. This will feel like tying up a lot of ends. It seems like you’ll be having or wanting to get matters sorted by the start of the new calendar year.
More specifically, you seem to be involved in a good deal of physical effort over small projects. These projects seem to be taking forever to finish! Rushing will not make things better unfortunately. The Flow suggests that while you might be feeling frustrated at the time everything is taking in the end matters will work out well. Your feelings of a ‘determined rush’ will gradually settle once things are finally cleared away.
(Please be aware that this combination of elements is sometimes associated with sprains, strains and other sudden injuries to neck and shoulders, so be careful when lifting heavy or sharp objects!)
Fortuna Major in the eighth suggests that as you free up some of your mind things start to fall into place. This will then give you the ability to do something you should find both important and satisfying… You will be able to find time to rededicate yourself to your founding values.
[bctt tweet=”Rededicate yourself to your founding values”]
What this means is that you will start to be able to ‘get your head together’ and feel better about yourself and what you’re trying to do. You will see clearly where you want to go and what you need to do in order to get there.
Most usefully you will find that you will become increasingly clear on what you can get rid of.
The influence of Cancer in the eighth may mean that you still feel sentimentally attached to what isn’t working. But ‘getting rid’ will be your choice to make. A useful tip here will be to gather those things that support what you’re doing and put everything else aside, at least for the moment.
As the week progresses you also realise that the Flow is shifting from ‘feeling you have to do’ to ‘doing’ something about your feelings!
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (124) in the 10th house (Virgo) which gives a very interesting direction to the Flow.
Essentially the story this week is for you to complete or put away one set of physical tasks, transform your thoughts and feelings and then put out some practical feelers for where you might go next.
The Active Transform shows that this would be a good time to check with others what you might do together. You will need to learn how to put out feelers for the next steps. Plan together how you want to change things.
There were no Rogues this week.
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