On Monday we went out to Westonbirt Arboretum to see if we could touch some leaves. We were quite successful, as you can see. A great day out!
Puella in the 6th house (Pisces) shows that you are likely to see and feel some changing external circumstances, most likely connected with your work. What you want to do may be changed by what turns out to be possible, or by what actually needs to be done in the current circumstances though.
Be aware of changes to your personal control of events. Matters should not get out of hand so long as you keep a clear head and a steady hand. There will always be a slight difference between the plans and the actual events. Planning to swim and actually swimming are two different things, for example. Real life is always different, and a much richer experience, than the plan.
So long as you stay realistic in your awareness of the differences, don’t rebel, over-react or resist, then all will be well.
What is happening is a natural consequence of what you want(ed) so enjoy the process.
Albus in the 8th house (Taurus) indicates that there will be further changes later in the week. Some of these will be for you to come to terms with the new situation you have created. This is a good thing, as that was the point in making changes in the first place. It may still require you getting used to them, however.
You might also need to communicate to others clearly and sympathetically what is happening now that things are starting to move (even if they are moving more slowly than you would have liked). This may require a little tact on your part. It is not that others will be unwilling, it just shows respect if you keep them informed (and will save you from problems down the line).
Stoke the fire of the steam engine and get things moving. If you are deep in Flow you will understand what is meant if the metaphor is extended metaphor: Remember to toot the whistle every now and again!
The Pars Venusii is in the 11th house (Leo). This indicates that you need to be aware of, and careful with, well-meaning associates who want to help. Their help might not be needed quite yet and they may not fully understand the situation. Again, tact is required in dealing with them. Be careful, too, if someone tries to call in a favour. It would be best to (realistically) schedule this for a later time in order to give it your full attention. Half-efforts won’t do.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Carcer (134) in the 10th house (Cancer). This indicates the need for fortitude on your part: Protect your thinking, keep positive and stay determined.
There are several lessons to be gained in managing your time, energy and money if you are open to receiving them.
This is a time for learning while doing.
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