Seriously Hopeful

Carcer + Fortuna Minor → Acquisitio (14)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 24th January 2021

This week you are likely to find yourself facing some challenging Saturnian situations. Carcer, the eighth house, the Pars Saturnii, the Capricorn ascendant and the quincunx aspect all suggest a challenging time on the earthly plane.

Carcer in the eighth house (Leo) suggests that you may have to deal with some issues relating to someone’s passing or other loss of some kind.

More likely, however, another aspect of Saturn will be featuring—hard work, discipline, restriction and the lessons to be learned from them! The placement here seems to turn over old ground that you have visited before. But you need to know that eventually it will bring new growth. It can take a while for this to happen though. One of the lessons and one of the requirements is perseverance.

The Pars Saturnii is also in the eighth house and indicates that something which may have been weighing heavily on you is now likely to have to be dealt with and faced. You can console yourself knowing that being noble and caring in difficult situations is the mark of a true friend!

Fortuna Minor in the third house (Pisces) shows that Flow moves on from the consideration of events and provides a time to communicate. Any change and communication amongst relatives will tend to be quite practical, probably by necessity. It can be difficult to pin people down and get everyone moving in the right direction, but eventually understanding and practical considerations prevail.

In order to communicate your ideas you might therefore emphasise the practical: Make things; create a message, the more (spiritually) imaginative the better.

Seriously Hopeful, Jonathan Borba, Unsplash, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Acquisitio (14) in the 10th house (Libra). This suggests that in any change process we will be guided by our hope and our intuition, by our cause and our goal.

It is our belief in moving to a better, fairer and lovely place and time which sustains is. It is Acquisitio which provides that promise.

It is the faith in ourselves, in others and in our shared future which gets us through.

In serious situations we still have Hope!

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Thank you.


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