
Rubeus + Tristitia → Aquisitio (2)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 5th March 2023

An opposition aspect being ‘good’? Yes! The anvil resists the hammer’s blow and the metal gets shaped in between. When you resist distractions this week you will find that the resulting energy allows you to be very productive.

Rubeus in the 11th house (Sagittarius) may make you wonder what you are missing. You may feel like you are standing still while others are streaming about all around you as if you were standing still in a crowd. What is it they want and where are they going?

Perhaps time is passing but you don’t feel you are progressing. It can be tempting to think that something is not quite right.

Perhaps you feel that ideas just won’t come. The advice here is not to get sucked into a despondent mood. Don’t try to figure out what it is that others know that you do not. When the time is right and Flow progresses enlightenment will come.

Tristitia in the 5th house (Gemini) shows that when the change comes it will come fast and often in multiple areas at once. It’s almost like shifting to 100 miles an hour from a standing start!

Keep a pencil and paper handy, you are not likely to be able to keep track of everything as it occurs or develops. Write it down or you’ll likely forget it.

You will also find Flow opening up in multiple areas creating all sorts of opportunities (or distractions) for you. These will open up at different speeds and in different directions.

How can you sort through it all? Simple…


Movement, Grae Dickason, Pixabay, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Acquisitio (2) back in the 11th house (Sagittarius). It shows that you can forget all the distractions and that you should re-focus on what it was you thought you were missing at the start of the week, (remember?). While Flow is now opening up paths in forward directions use the creative energy to square away what you were trying to progress earlier.

The Pars Plutii is in the 7th house (Leo) and indicates that relationships could prove a real distraction. It advises that you should keep them in their place. You’ve already got enough on.




There was one Rogue this week: Rubeus in the 3rd house (Aries). You’ll find it helps to listen when others remind you of old teachings, lessons or ideas. ‘Brothers’ and ‘sisters’ can help you remember to keep your thoughts focused.

Look for parallels.


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Thank you.


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