How To Make A Cup Of Tea And Keep Sane

What is worse than having to making up a brew because nobody else seems to want to volunteer?

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, August, 2013, Geomantic Divination, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy,

Astrogem Casting for week commencing 19th August 2013

You know what it’s like – it’s supposed to be a shared responsibility. Everyone is supposed to take turns.

You get fed-up of waiting and, out of the goodness of your heart and a desire to not die of thirst, you decide to do the decent thing and make yourself and everyone else a cup of tea.

The thing that really makes your blood (rather than the water) boil, however, is that just when you are nearly at the kettle, someone in a position of authority looks up at you and asks, very sweetly, if you would be so kind as to put the kettle on for everyone.  For some reason screaming “That’s what I was about to do!” would probably make matters worse. Welcome to this week’s casting:  A lovely square between Fortuna Major and Carcer.

Fortuna Major in the twelfth (Cancer) is going to make you feel sensitive towards others this week. That’s not a ‘touchy’ or ‘irritable’ sensitivity – at least not initially.  It’s more of an emotional and empathic feeling towards the people you have to deal with.  This will bring out some of the best in your nature, so long as you don’t feel taken for granted.

When those feelings get intense it can certainly make you want to close up in your shell though. Perhaps more accurately you will feel like you just want to ‘withdraw from all the nonsense and let them get on with it’.

The two sets of taps at Levels 1 and 2 of Fortuna Major show that you have been exchanging a lot of ideas and getting and giving inspiration recently.  Some of it, you’d have to admit, has fallen on stony ground despite the fact that some of those ideas were really good.  That’s their loss, not yours.  Their ‘ability’ to ignore ideas pales into insignificance compared with your ability to generate the ideas in the first place!

The sensitivity you feel towards others is not likely to take kindly to any kind of pressure this week.  Carcer in Aries isn’t going to like any restraint or imposition! The fact that this is likely to come from someone in a position of power, responsibility or other position where they can seemingly dictate terms is unlikely to soften that.

Leave me in peace ’till I get the job done

While you will have a ton of ideas of how to make the most of any possible plans for expansion it would be nice if people just left you alone and let you get on with it.

Unfortunately there are lots of ‘priorities’ around this week and everyone wants to shift their load a little.  There’s just so much to think about and do!

In short, it won’t be surprising if you feel you want to break free of any bounds of responsibility.  You’ll need to keep your mental composure though – otherwise it will be easy for things to get out of hand.

How to keep calm

The first thing to note is that everyone is feeling under pressure.  In other words, it’s nothing personal.  That doesn’t solve all the problems, but at least you know that they’re not specifically directed at you.

Others can’t see the good work you are doing simply because they can’t lift their eyes long enough from their own problems.  And the reason that they can’t do that is because someone further along their chain is trying to ease their problems. . . and so it goes on.

There are two ways that this can resolve and it really depends on the nature of what’s in front of you as to the best approach.

The first way we can see our way through is by simply meeting the demands of the time and buckling down. This means that we recognise the two tap change from Level 1 in Fortuna Major down to Level 3 in Carcer and we simply get on with things.

We can attempt to change the situation with an appeal to higher authority (given that these forces are emanating from the ninth house).  This is not recommended, however.  As Aries is in charge of this house at the moment the higher authority is likely to see things in a simplistic or ‘Just do it’ kind of way.  In other words, they probably won’t be that sympathetic.

The second approach is simply to wait for that higher driving force to change its mind. They are likely to demand something different on a whim.  And while this is quite possible it’s not very satisfying or respectful to your sanity!

The Flow is what it is, however.

That said, we can make the best of things. . . and possibly smelling of roses!

Take control of your Destiny

There is an outlet you can use and it doesn’t involve anyone getting shouted at, stabbed or having water from a recently boiled kettle dumped on them.  It will involve a bit of a re-think on your part, but given that Fortuna Major in the twelfth is giving you a huge amount of inspiration this week that shouldn’t be a problem in the slightest!

When we add the geomes we get Amissio (34) in the sixth (Capricorn):

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, August, 2013, Geomantic Divination, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy,

Active Transform Amissio (34)

Given that this is still in a square aspect it won’t necessarily be easy to implement, but it does at least offer the prospect of helping to make the best of the situation.

Amissio is traditionally concerned with loss (in the broadest sense).  Using the Four Levels Model we can see that here it is suggesting that the two taps at Level 3 of Carcer are best lost to Level 4 of Amissio.  Specifically, this means that you shouldn’t put in too much physical effort (single new tap at Level 3) but rather start making plans and connections for when you do get your chance.  Do what you need to do for the demands of the job in front of you, but only enough for your professional- and self-respect.  Do what you have to do to make yourself feel better, but don’t over do it.

Amissio (34) is in the sixth house (Capricorn) so don’t make the mistake of brooding instead of planning, or of muttering when you could be thinking and talking things through with yourself.

If you have to scrub floors and do dishes then use the time productively:  Plan.  In detail. Thoroughly.  Be practical.

Amissio (34) tells us to ‘get rid of the rubbish’ and what is wasteful of your time and energy. Clear the decks and then do something nice for yourself.  The two taps at Level 4 in the sixth tell us that perhaps the best thing you can do is to nurture your interaction with someone or something you care for.  Find what is close to your heart and know that you can always depend on your inner core. Lose yourself in the practical details.

What to do this week

  1. Enjoy being creative and being sensitive to the needs of others
  2. Don’t get too concerned when others try to pass their pressures on to you
  3. Construct your plans while you are ‘scrubbing the floor’
  4. Keep the contact with who and what is important to you


After a hard day at the office

tend your prize roses really, really well.


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