Fish And Goats To The Rescue

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, June, May, 2015, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Astrogem Casting for week commencing 7th June 2015


Last week the Flow indicated some form of conclusion. Now we see it’s time to move on.

There is a change happening at ground level and you are able to push out. So look to your deep thoughts and your strong feelings. Now is the time for those new ideas. It’s time for something deeper and slower.

Is that thunder? Canon fire? Earthquake? Whatever it is which is causing the ground to shake you need to start making plans to move — and don’t look back.

And while there’s no danger you still need to anticipate what may happen and what opportunities are in store.

You’ll begin to notice opposites this week: the practical will need the imaginative and the imaginative will need the practical.

Look to find the balance between the two.


Bridle Path to Enterkin Pass by Scothill (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Bridle Path to Enterkin Pass by Scothill (CC BY-SA 3.0)


Just moving will not be enough though. That energy will only take you so far. What you’ll need to do to make the journey fulfilling is to find the connection… This connection will be something that links both your greater and your immediate needs. It is likely to feel fated — a sense of a piece falling into place.

You will then be able to connect deeply with others and to a deeper and greater purpose or need.

The Flow will take your lofty ideas and plans and will test them to see if they connect to the higher good — yours and other people’s.

And whether you decide your path this week or whether you are encouraged by someone else, you are likely to have the opportunity to make a contribution in a significant way.

The Flow will be easiest where you find service and sacrifice combine.

The combination of these two will make conversations with others easier. You will see that your urgent plans and drive for action would never have been enough on their own. There is a need for this deeper current to provide the balancing emotional stability necessary for what you’ll be doing next.


Take control of your Destiny


Once you have this balance you will feel in calmer waters. This can only happen when you combine the urge to change (based on your unsettled circumstances) with the additional awareness of moving to something greater. Only then will you get sight of your next destination.

And that destination is defined by the Active Transform Via (4) in the ninth house (Capricorn).

You’ll be thankful of having developed the balance between your sensitivity and solidity from the flow in the week:


Urge without sensitivity is noise. Sensitivity without urge is limp.


When you have got the balance right between your head and heart you will find yourself in a position of having some very creative ideas — it’s almost a mystical place of wonder. You will intuitively see the path forward for your growth, a path that is as yet still forming, a path which you can help to shape.

New opportunities will be revealed to further your ambitions. These opportunities are likely to involve some travel and growth. (And this combination, somewhat specifically, is often associated with having new interactions with a partner’s relatives. Let me know!)




Albus, Carcer, Tristitia:

Keep a clear head, be clear about what you need to do and surf your desire to change.


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Thank you.


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