You may feel connected to others and everything seems outwardly fine, but perhaps you notice that results just aren’t materialising quite as you’d hoped.
You might then shift your focus and seek solace at home but here, too, with Laetitia in the fourth house (Taurus) you find and unquiet spirit. And left unchecked it will give rise to uncertainty and confusion and various expectations not being met.
What was supposed to be your home and haven would then seem to elude you. You would end up not getting the refreshment you need from your relaxation.
There’s nothing you can directly point to and say ‘This is wrong!’. It’s more like what you want feels just out of reach and with no simple way to get it.
This is probably not the first time you have felt something like this — the world seeming out of sorts — and you usually toughen up and simply weather the storm until the situation changes.
But it doesn’t have to be that way…
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Amissio (3) in the 10th house (Scorpio). The opposition aspect ‘reflects’ the Active Transform back into the house at the start of the casting.
It gives you an opportunity to not have to accept what is. Instead, you can do something more productive, something more instructive, if you choose to.
You can see that Laetitia to Amissio (3) are identical geomes apart from the Contracting Flow at the Level of the ‘internal physical’ of Amissio. And that is the key to unlocking your way forward.
It indicates that there is only one person who really needs your attention and help this week — and that person is you.
Don’t get swayed by others. Don’t get pulled off track.
Other people will figure out what they need. You just need to focus on you — and then go deeper.
Go deeper into what you do for yourself.
(This probably does not mean pampering as oppositions don’t usually make things easier, at least not to start with.)
[bctt tweet=”Just focus on you — and then go deeper”]
It probably does mean learning to do more of what you need to do for yourself in the current situation. The emphasis is on the word ‘Do’, however.
And now you can see that it’s not the world that was out of step and there’s nothing wrong with your inner home life.
You don’t have to accept and wait.
You can make things better for you.
Do it for yourself.
This week Conjunctio made it’s presence known:
Stay on course.
Do what you need to do for yourself.
The outer world will take care of itself.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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