
Rubeus + Fortuna Major → Caput Draconis (2)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 24th November 2019

This week sees the potential for a significant change in your ability to connect with people.

Rubeus in the first house (Scorpio) is in its natural sign. This gives it additional power in both its purity and intensity of influence. You can expect a significant sharpening of your thinking with regard to yourself and your future plans. The main influence this week is going to be felt in your thoughts and feelings, however.

The fruits of your labours are likely to be found all around as your words and deeds have spread widely. (Often your influence has seemed to be somewhat hidden, but that is all to the good. It has given people less chance to interfere with your plans.) While you may have wanted to connect more openly with others the approach and the occasion have not been right until now.

The trine aspect between the geomes gives a very favourable feeling to this Casting. The trine also means that the geomes are all in the same element, in this case Water. Emotions are likely to be both refined and subtly altering.

The Pars Plutii is in the fifth house (Pisces) which is also where the Active Transform resides this week. This is what helps to unlock the meaning of the Casting. Combined with an understanding of Flow it shows that your thoughts and feelings become transformed. What was driven by personal decision, planning and ego previously now changes into something which is understandable and acceptable to those with whom you wish to connect.

Fortuna Major in the ninth house (Cancer) provides the catalyst for these changes. It allows the intensity of your passion and ideas to establish more general principles to live by. It is almost as though you can bring about new mental states at will. It provides new ways to present yourself, too. Your philosophy and ideas will not so much change as mature. They blend and guide. They travel and come home.

It is this which allows you to embrace new thoughts and ideas while still remaining true to yourself.

Embrace, Abo Ngalonkulu, Unsplash, (CC0) (700)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (2) in the fifth house (Pisces). Following Flow this gives you the wonderful opportunity to connect with others. Problems connecting to others can dissolve away in all this Water. What may have been a problem in your interactions in the past can now be driven forward by you and your ideas.

There is the potential for more social and loving interactions in connecting with others. Overall you can bring about wide-ranging and embracing thoughts in yourself and others.

You’ll find you can achieve more with less effort, being blessed the new in knowing the ‘right approach’.

Do not worry about the specifics of how to act — just connect and the rest will take care of itself.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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