This week Flow is all about communication. Each of the geomes is in an Air-sign and the overall message of the Casting is very clear: Communicate — near, far and deeply.
Conjunctio in the third house (Gemini) gives us the first indication of this theme. So much has been going on with your inner life with regard to your feelings that it is now time to open up to others. You shouldn’t do this recklessly, of course, but now is the time to appropriately open up to them.
Start with those closest to you and talk to them. Let them know your thoughts. As everyone is in Flow others will be feeling this too. So when you open up and start properly talking you will find that others will tend to do so as well.
You may find as you do this that the conversation veers off into new and interesting directions. This is only to be expected. Be prepared to change gear and move in whatever direction the conversation wants, or needs, to go.
The indication here is that there has been a lot of talking without communicating for some time now. Talking now should not just involve speaking. It should reveal meaning and intention. There needs to be purpose. And you need to be remember that communication is two-way!
Tristitia in the 11th house (Aquarius) shows that if whoever you are talking to wants to go deeper, further or faster, then this would be a good time to let them do so.
Travel as far and as fast as you can. This is likely to open up new areas which you never suspected and, owing to the trine aspect, is likely to reveal a pure depth of feeling you hadn’t expected. Somewhat poignantly, it may even open feelings you had forgotten…
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (23) in the seventh house (Libra). This shows that Flow is likely to use what you express and what you learn to help you come to terms with the next stage of your growth. All the communicating and meaning you’ll be doing means nothing if what is revealed is not then thought about.
The Pars Mercurii is in the fifth house (Leo) and is the key to unlocking the true meaning of this theme of communication. Specifically, it suggests that too much time has been spent on social relationshipS, idle chatter and superficiality rather than on meaningful relationshiP.
Try to avoid letting the trivial and social interfere with the worthwhile and meaningful. Now would be a good time to re-establish that meaningfulness.
Share more. The more you do the more will be shared back with you.
The more you give, the more you will get back in understanding.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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