This week the Casting is all about pushing through. But pushing through in a very specific way.
Caput Draconis in the third house (Gemini) indicates that you are likely to have an inspirational light guiding you forward this week. This light is like a star drawing you forward — and it twinkles. It fades in and out. If you look at it directly it can seem to disappear into the background. If you look slightly to one side, that is, if you look ‘about it’ rather than ‘at it’ you will be able to see its general outline and location much more clearly.
In practical terms it is likely that you are feeling somewhat bogged down with administration, paperwork or other seeming trivia at the moment. This is all courtesy of the Pars Draconii in the sixth house (Virgo). There seems no end to the trips, papers and discussions that you’re having to deal with at the moment. It feels like you’re wading through mud at times. Can you ever get anything done?
Via in the 10th house (Capricorn) indicates that you can! And Flow indicates that there’s a particular way to go about it…
There are two ways forward, one will work and the other will not. The way which won’t work is to think that you have to do ‘power through’ the problems, that you need to knuckle down and just concentrate on getting the details done. This is grindingly boring. It’s also largely ineffective. You can always find problems and there will never seem to be any progress.
The way which will work can look similar at first glance, but it is in fact quite different.
What you need to do is to get that feeling for the star in front of you and to let it draw you forward.
Some people who are drowning simply thrash the water. It’s almost like they are trying to fight the water out of the way. Flow here suggests it is better to fix your focus on where you want to be on the land and simply to start your determined swim. Don’t focus on the water, focus on the land.
It’s not about you PUSHING yourself forward but about allowing yourself to be PULLED forward by your desire to move forward.
Capricorn teaches us to be practical. In a wider sense it’s also teaching us to be effective by doing what works not simply to do what is physical. And if what works means being pulled through the water by our realistic feelings, hopes and desires rather than fighting against the water then that is the practical and effective solution.
You do this by hanging onto your dreams, by knowing that you are working toward your goal, even if it’s only in vague outline. Keep your goal in mind every day, every hour, every moment.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (234) in the fifth house (Leo). Yes, you are likely to feel inspired and to feel a renewed lift your spirits. Your natural reaction may well to be impatient with the circumstances around you. Let that impatience work to your advantage. See any difficulties for exactly what they are — no more and no less. Don’t let them take your eyes off your prize, though. Be determined.
See the strength of your spirit grow between the stone cracks. Let your life grow away from what you think is holding you back.
Keep to your inner certainty and desire for a solution and strive for your goals and results.
The more strongly you can connect to your future desired outcome the more you will be pulled towards it.
And the stronger you feel the pull the more you will move towards it.
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Thank you.
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