This week will see some significant and beneficial changes for you. You will think those changes are happening outside yourself but in fact the changes are going to be within you. Because your view of what is happening changes it seems that others are changing. If you are objective you will see a different story.
One of the things which will change is the way you interact with other people. You’ve probably been plodding on trying to convince people that your way is best for a little while now. The indications are that this hasn’t been the overwhelming success you’d have liked it to be so far.
That’s not a criticism of you. You’ve been doing exactly what you thought was the right thing to do. However, ‘the right thing to do’ and ‘what other people think is the right thing to do’ are not always the same thing.
The trine from Fortuna Minor in the 12th (Taurus) to Albus in the eighth (Capricorn) shows a radical shift from doing to thinking this week. Specifically, you will need to become more hard-bitten about how you go about getting what you want. It would help if you would stop being so nicey-nicey-touchy-feely towards other people and instead just cut to the chase and let them know what you want. This will be received well and people will appreciate your straight-talking.
By being straightforward and practical with other people you will more easily gain their cooperation. This in turn will bring you more of what you want.
Take control of your Destiny
This will save you time and effort. And you can use that to help clear up some of the mess at home. You will find that you can free up some time to take care of unfinished business there. You’ll probably be able to lay to rest some problems that had been troubling you and hanging over your head for some time.
Fortuna Major in the 12th is never going to give us quite what we want, or in the way we expect it. Geomancers think of Fortuna Major as being relatively ‘good sign’. I don’t, at least, not always. It can be good, but so can any geome in the right circumstances. True, the geome concerns itself with physical effort and physical output and being an earth sign is obviously supportive. But considering where the Flow is going to go this does not represent an easy shift from physical to mental in Albus in the eighth.
Albus in Capricorn in the eighth is going to be wise, radical and practical – strange bedfellows indeed!
The For Levels Model gives a clear picture of how that shift in Flow will be manifest. The change is going to be to stop worrying about trying to connect physically, and much more about making ideas work practically (the shift from two sets of double taps in the physical realms in Fortuna minor to 2 sets of double taps in the mental realm in Albus).
The trine shifts around then to give the Active Transform Cauda Draconis (12) in the fourth house (Virgo). This shows us taking care of business in minute detail at home. And while the double taps at Level 4 have remained unchanged throughout this shift in Flow we can see that the focus now is to deal with our home and to learn lessons from our adventures this week (single new taps at Levels 1 and 2).
We have therefore shifted from our actions to our thoughts to lessons we can apply at home.
We have changed – the world doesn’t need to.
At least not yet.
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