It’s going to be deep for emotions this week — and getting deeper! Let’s take an overview and then going to some more detail.
Acquisitio in the fourth house (Taurus) starts off the week with lots of generous emotions deep down in the home giving an increased sense of security. Amissio in the second house (Pisces) cranks up the emotions a stage further with more charm and outward expression! This is like a wave of emotion building and building up to the crest of a wave. Given that the aspect between the geomes is a sextile you can expect to be surfing to some great heights on the crest of this wave. It’s what comes after that will be interesting…
The first geome in the Casting, Acquisitio, is ruled by Jupiter and so it’s likely that matters at home will show a bigger heart this week. Interestingly this seems to be more to do with feelings, even in a practical way, than it does about being generous. It would be easy to mistake the two interpretations so let me clarify them. This placement is more about sharing, forgiving and contributing generally rather than donating, giving or bestowing. In other words, it’s more about providing support and warmth rather than giving away resources.
Not that money will not come into it, though. You might find an improvement in your financial situation, too, if the necessary ground work has been laid. Any money is likely to be payment for your earlier hard graft. Overall it should leave you cosy in your feelings of security. And you are likely to find that you’ll want to share these feelings with others.
Amissio in the second house continues to build on this idea. There is more likelihood of ‘financial interest’ coming your way as the week progresses. Again, however, it is even more likely that good feelings, charm and even romance continue to prosper and flourish.
You are likely to get what you need emotionally this week. Even better, it is likely to be something you can use. As the chance presents itself you will be able to get what makes you happy. And not only that, but it will seem that it just ‘fits’ and looks and feels right, too.
Feel free to share your good fortune with others, particularly those at home and close family. The Pars Jovii in the third house (Aries) suggests that this will help build some bridges in need of a little maintenance! Nothing serious, but we can all use a little more genuine appreciation, can’t we?
As the wave builds you will find your happy mood continues to be charming and forgiving. You seem to say the right things to the right people. And there is the possibility of gifts and favours all around.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Via (24) in the 12th house (Capricorn). This is where you can fall off the wave you are riding — and this is an excellent thing!

Where can you go from the Flow but onward and inward.
Having gone as far as you can go with the existing Flow it is time to begin again, deeper and more intuitively still.
In seeming to fall off the surfboard at the top of the Flow you actually get to dive within the wave. Motivations and possibilities become apparent and you feel the currents around you.
The true worth of what you have been doing will be within. You will find you have an increased sensitivity to new thoughts and new directions around you.
With that depth of understanding you can go anywhere you choose.
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Thank you.
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