Switching The Points

Rubeus + Acquisitio → Tristitia (2)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 9th April 2017

With Rubeus in the twelfth house (Pisces) in a square aspect you will be feeling deep feelings stirring this week. These will not come as clear ideas but rather as glimpses of something going on deep within your subconscious.

You will also feel that restrictions are being broken and that other connections are being made. Like points shifting and train tracks moving ahead of the express coming through. Flow is likely to come barrelling through this week and anything not caught up in it is in danger of getting pretty flattened!

Be ready to capitalise on the forces moving you forward as there is not likely to be much warning of impending change. This week your subconscious desires have a way of being set in motion and of coming true.

The Pars shows that the majority of the ideas for change are likely to centre on you wanting to change your immediate circumstances. You’ve built up matters around you but for whatever reason things have (or are) not quite working out the way you’d imagined they would. This is a time to cut through the dross and to shake things up a bit.

Acquisitio in the third house (Gemini) suggests that as the week progresses you are going to find it best not to keep things to yourself. Take the time to (thoughtfully) share your ideas with others.

Include them in your ideas and, more importantly, in your actions. They will be able to help you shape your plans. True, you may feel that they are putting obstacles in the way but, used properly, you’ll find that this helps you whittle down the options to only those that are likely to work. Think of objections as being part of a quality control process instead of problems.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Tristitia (2) in the sixth house (Virgo). This shows that you will be right in your feeling of not trying to achieve particular external results this week – there are just too many things up in the air to try and settle matters at the moment.


Switching the points [CC 3.0]

No, the way forward will be to take great pains in getting things right. You’ll find that this is relatively easy (and quick) so you’ll get inspired to come up with the right answers (try not to look to smug when other people look amazed at your insights, cleverclogs!).

The more you can think through the details the more likely you are to be able to sense the intuitive links.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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