Geomantic horoscope for the week commencing 27th May 2013
Rubeus in the sixth house (Scorpio) is in opposition to Albus in the twelfth house (Taurus) in a Continuing pattern.
Geomantic Divination
Rubeus is in its natural sign and suggests that you will be involved in uncovering some major changes this week, probably in the work environment. These changes of work and work patterns will leave you wondering why they need to be made, however. Have they been thought through? Do they make sense?
It seems like someone could just be throwing their weight around because they can. A lot of this is just going to be ‘attitude and bluster’ from them. And because they will not stop to think through the full implications of their words and actions they probably won’t realise the harm they are doing to themselves in losing some of the goodwill of the people around them.
Just because something can be changed doesn’t mean that it should be changed!
You’ll need to use your experience and your diplomatic skills in order to work around them this week. Fortunately you have a secret weapon at your disposal – your ability to think and act creatively.
You’ll be able to see the bigger picture and note how people’s comfort zones are being squeezed. Your creativity will allow you to steer a course around any negatives so that they do not affect all the good which has been created.
By considering events imaginatively this week you’ll be able to find harmony, smooth ruffled feathers – some of which may by your own – and you’ll be able to make things better for all concerned.
This is also interesting from another point of view, too.
The act of having things stirred up will expose some areas of slackness or weakness you didn’t know about. These are best dealt with constructively now – and while they are still relatively minor.
The moral from all this would seem to be to look for the good in whatever happens this week and just go with the flow.
Take control of your Destiny
The Flow of the geomes and how best to capitalise on them can be seen when we add them together. In this case we get Conjunctio (2) back in the sixth house (Scorpio). This is a sign that the best way forward this week will probably be for you to adopt the role of ‘Healer’.
You will be aware of the full story in the events that unfold and you will need to bring others’ ideas, activities and points of view together in order to make everything run smoothly again.
You might have preferred to not have to deal with all this just at the moment, but given the inevitable nature of circumstance this week you (and some grateful others) will find that it will all go much more smoothly with you at the helm!
A child stirs up the pond with a stick and makes the water muddy.
Fish eat grubs from the mud they could not otherwise get.
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