Softer And Deeper

Puer + Albus → Via (124)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 21st March 2021

Happy Ostera / Spring Equinox (for yesterday) everyone! I performed my first Water Gifting ceremony and it felt wonderful doing it! This is a ceremony created with the help of all the Astrogemanti to help connect with nature and to affirm your commitment to nurturing life.


Gifting Water, Ostera, 2021

Puer in the 8th house (Libra) suggests that you may have been trying to force things in order to make them fit. It may not initially seem to you that you are forcing things but rather that you are simply being vigorous and applying energy to getting things moving. If matters have stalled, however, then a new approach needs to be taken.

Sometimes we need to make a clear distinction between what isn’t moving and what won’t move. It is time to reflect on this in order to get the balance right. It seems that energy alone will not be sufficient to move things forward under the current circumstances. A new approach is probably needed. And this new approach will need to be provided either from outside of your immediate environment or from deep in your unconscious. It seems unlikely otherwise that you will be able to push things through just by will power alone.

Albus in the 12th house (Aquarius) shows that the way forward comes from almost anything you are not currently doing! You already know this: Doing more of what isn’t working, won’t help.

Later in the week you will begin to feel that you can gain a new perspective and this shift helps new ideas to pop into your head.

The wisdom which comes with Albus shows that you might have been pressing too hard and with too much physical effort on your part. Given the trine aspect of all Air signs in the Casting this week you are likely to find that progress can best be made through thinking, intuition and external ideas suddenly opening up new possibilities for you.

The Pars Martii in the 5th house (Cancer) suggests that you might have been being influenced by others a little too much, too. Maybe they have been being too clingy or maybe you have been trying to take their feelings too much into account. Either way, this is something you will now be able to address. Sometimes you need to just pay the price before you can take the ride.

Softer and deeper, Eli Defaria, Unsplash, (CCO)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Via (124) In the 4th house (Gemini). This confirms there is a softer and deeper approach which can be taken. Here, closer to home, you will find ideas and approaches which are new. They will need to be thought through in order to ensure that they accurately convey your feelings, but they are areas of possibility which can open up for you.

These new areas will open to the degree to which you desire to practise them.

It really is a case of “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find”.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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