It is entirely possible that a pressure cooker of emotions points to just one person or a small group of people. Given that this conjunction is in Cancer, a possible interpretation is that you are being protective towards them, but it seems much more likely that you are somewhat on the defensive emotionally against these others. ‘Feeling put upon’ might be a good way to describe it.
The Pars Saturnii in the 1st house (Capricorn) indicates some kind of obstacle to being able to progress your plans at present, too. This could be because something is taking longer or is more difficult than expected, or because extra work keeps being put on your plate.
Either way, the pressure cooker needs to let off some steam!
Caput Draconis, also in the 7th house, indicates that you should not be discouraged, depressed or downhearted, help is coming and in a somewhat surprising way.
Later in the week you can expect a new development which can shift the situation significantly.
This may come as someone’s change of heart or it may be a piece of information which provides a new perspective.
Either way, the mood changes in your dealings with others.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (14) also in the 7th house (Cancer). This shows that what was a problem previously can now be put aside.
The dam has burst and the pressure releases into new and productive external areas.
All can be forgiven (even if not quite forgotten) now that things are moving again.
The emotional release now that things can get underway is most welcome. Matters can now be pursued to completion.
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