No Shortcuts

Conjunctio + Laetitia → Cauda Draconis (23)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 16th April 2023

Conjunctio in the 10th house (Capricorn) indicates that whatever long or large project you have been working on recently seems, finally, to be making some progress. Perhaps you’ve been working on a big idea or maybe some long-term cause. Whichever it is it seems as though at times it’s been very hard going. It also seems that you are also not the only one who notices this progress, either.

You’re likely to find that quite suddenly this week pieces start shifting. Not only that, but they are moving in the right direction! This might seem strange at first, as few external or internal issues seem to have changed. Perhaps your persistence has finally started paying off. Cracks in the obstacles have widened and now what once was an obstacle begins to crumble away.

In some ways you will only be able to stand back and watch. Ideas flow and the machine starts to rumble into life seemingly of its own accord.

Laetitia in the 11th house (Aquarius) indicates that you are likely to need to draw on some help to move things even further in order to capitalise on the progress. This help may just turn up from a somewhat unexpected source. If it doesn’t turn up by itself you will need to seek out some imaginative input yourself. You may need to adopt a different—maybe even radically different—way of doing things. Either way, you will be able to draw on resources which are not the usual way of doing things.

This is all to the good as some new thinking needs to be brought to the project.

The Pars Mercurii in the 2nd house (Taurus) gives an interesting sidelight on this: Be cautious about any advice which seems to offer simple, comfortable or almost effortless solutions. Nothing is going to be that simple at the moment—at least, nothing worth having.

You are likely to find that the promise of being a shortcut turns out to be a long way round in the end. At the moment there are no shortcuts.


No short cuts, Jill Marie Holslin and OLBSD, Flickr, (CC by 2.0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (23) in the 12th house (Pisces). This indicates that it will be best to let things percolate in your mind for a little while before you decide to commit to a particular course of action. Things need thinking about. While the objective comes more clearly into view you will still need to think carefully about the best way to get there. The reason for this is because what looks easy may turn out to be laden with hidden difficulties. The difficult path may turn out to be easier of the two but it may need more strength or courage initially.


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