Happy Imbolc / Candlemas to you! We’re planning a trip out this afternoon to see if we can get enough reeds or grasses to make a St Bridget’s Cross… (It’s also an excuse for me to get out and get some fresh air to see if I can finally get rid of this cold that I’ve had since before Yule!)
Rubeus in the 7th house (Leo). This is a powerfully emotional placement. Who is it yelling ‘Can we all just calm down, please?’ Actually, it is more likely that some of this emotional tension with others is just boiling inside, but it’s still not helping.
Strong feeling needs to avoid boiling over as it will certainly not be useful this week. (At least you’ll know that it’s not just you who’s feeling this way though, but that’s poor comfort.) This placement, together with the square aspect, can show a range of behaviours from people being reckless with the emotions of others, being jealous and possessive and all the way through to carelessly gambling with feelings and trivialising important matters.
But trying to avoid the problems may make things worse. So what is the solution?
Puella in the 4th house (Taurus) indicates that while some controlling guidelines are necessary they, too, can become challenging if the restrictions are too tight. Sure, the pandemonium can quieten down but fundamental issues will still need to be addressed.
The temptation will be to simply go back to things that have worked in the past. That is certainly an option, but it won’t be that inspiring.
The Pars Plutii this week is in the 10th house (Scorpio) and reinforces this message. If what is being done is seen as the ‘same-old-same-old’ stuff that has been done before then it simply will not be seen as anything special from the ‘outside’ i.e. by your target audience, as it were.
Simply putting what looks like a new coat of paint on something is not likely to impress.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Via (2) in the 1st house (Aquarius). Now this is very promising! Flow shows that matters can be resolved but that it does not come without some adjustments. There needs to be freshness and newness of thinking. You need to mix in some chaos…
(Actually, you don’t need to mix in chaos. But if you reacted strongly against the idea it gives you an indication of how tightly the process is being gripped in place.)
Hold, but don’t grip.
Contain, but don’t enclose.
New ideas cannot come in if there is no space to enter.
‘Blessèd be the cracked, for they shall let in the light.’
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Thank you.
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