Loaded Dice

Laetitia + Rubeus → Fortuna Minor (1)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 26th April 2020

The main requirement this week is not inspiration but courage.

Laetitia in the first house (Aries) shows that you are keen to make progress and move things on. You want to be creative and to give your imagination full rein. You’ll have so many ideas swirling around in your head it will be difficult to know where to start. You’ll need to balance your desire to explore your creativity inwardly against the outward need to produce results.

It’s likely that this urge to externalise your thoughts will win out — or should do! But there’s something inside which is likely to be resisting this. And this is where the courage comes in. Because you are going to need to take a chance!

Rubeus in the fifth house (Leo) shows that there is both a need and an opportunity to put yourself into a very beneficial position. Rubeus is nothing if not dramatic, so there is plenty of energy in this placement. The question is going to be whether you will summon up the inner strength to capitalise on what is in front of you. You are quite capable of doing what needs to be done. Providing you stop daydreaming and get on with it you can surf the crest of the energy wave and race forward. The only person stopping you is you.

The Pars Neptunii this week is in the ninth house (Sagittarius), which is also the same house in which the Active Transform resides. This is the key which unlocks the Casting. It shows that you will need to face whatever demons you fear in your path… demons you may have encountered before.

It is likely that you have already been some way along this path before. Maybe you have already tried and failed. This placement indicates that you need to be prepared to face potential setback and to try again. This time, however, you will be pushing against an open door. This time the odds are in your favour. This time you’re playing with loaded dice.

Loaded dice, Pixabay, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Fortuna Minor (1) in the ninth house (Sagittarius). This shows that there is huge potential for your plans if you step out onto that path once again.

The thing which may have been lacking previously is now within your grasp — inspiration, contact with ideas and new thoughts pouring in.

Previously you have been stopped in the past but not known why. Now you are much better placed to see what is needed for the future and to be able to work around obstacles that had confronted you previously.

You are likely to need your hard-won skills and resources. But this time the approach is much more favourable.

Courage my friend!

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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