Via in the 11th house (Taurus) shows a period of reflection at the start of the week. It is possible that you are looking to your old projects to see how to progress things. Or it may be that you are thinking about just one project that has a lot of history and you’ve been working on it for what seems like a long time. Either way, you will be looking to breathe some new life into it.
You may also find that you had been hoping for more help from others. While others have been supportive you may be feeling that there just isn’t quite enough input to make things really catch fire, as it were. This is the time to look at things in a new light. It will be a matter of finding and following a single thread which will lead to a much more profitable direction for you.
The Pars Luna is also in the 11th house (Taurus) this week and it turns out to be a very important placement. It suggests that while you may be picking over the bones of your old projects it will be important to not simply re-hash what got you here. You need to find what’s good and useful. You need to find what’s working and to separate it from what’s not.
One trick to doing this will be to look for what is out of place. Look also for things to which you are emotionally attached but which are just not producing results.
Don’t gloss over something just because you are attached to it. That could easily be the thing which is holding everything up! You need to challenge all the factors and make them pay their way in the great scheme of things. Ask yourself if you are not challenging something because you are emotionally attached to it. Is it really needed? Does it really work? Justify it! If it does not add value you might want to think about cutting it loose.
Cauda Draconis in the 9th house (Pisces) indicates that you should be able to follow the thread wherever it goes. It could be quite interesting!
At times the path will be clear and obvious. At others you may need to pause and look hard. You will be able to follow where the clues lead but it will be clearer at some times more than at others.
The key here will be to look for a feeling. It will probably seem intuitive. If you are in Flow it will probably seem that you can immediately feel the practical application of some theory or teaching. That will confirm that you’re on the right track.
This is an area where others can help you following the thread. Support is not enough on its own—what you should be on the look out for is practical actions from others. You are looking to follow that thread where it leads, so you’ll probably need to go in directions you did not expect.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Tristitia (1234) in the 7th house (Capricorn). This is a curious and multifaceted placement. Following the thread is likely to cause you to suddenly hit a significant breakthrough.
This may only make sense afterwards, but you are likely to find that when you hit a particular spot, pressure point or raw nerve then matters will begin to flow again.
You may be able to see that you’ve hit a good spot yourself. But don’t worry, the reactions you get from others will tell you you’ve found it! Let them be your guide. You may not need to go much beyond the first step… there should be plenty to investigate in just this one next step forward.
Therefore, pay attention to the sudden changes of reactions of others. It is likely to prove very enlightening.
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