
Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, February, 2017, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Populus + Populus → Populus
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 5th February 2017

Final, complete, total — the end of the cycle. This can be the only real conclusion of the Casting this week. Populus was the first geome and the second geome cast. The addition of these two gives us the Active Transform Populus in the same house (the 11th) and sign (Sagittarius). Such a combination is of course unusual. It suggests you will experience events of particular significance this week.

Conjunction aspects (which is what this is) are neither easy nor hard in the interpretation. That is, they can be both at the same time.

We sometimes think of these as ‘blessings in disguise’, the bittersweet experience, pros and cons, the cloud with the silver lining, etc. Sometimes, as I suspect here, it’s going to show a peak and a transition. It shows that matters have reached a head and that they will continue in a different form afterwards. Let’s look at a couple of examples…

This is a wedding — the moment when the couple are finally joined and the celebrations are about to begin for the couple’s new life together.

This is new wine in the bottle — all the fermentation and settling is done and it is now ready for the table.

This is the new-born baby — the pregnancy, labour and delivery are all complete and life begins.

So you can see that whilst matters have come to a head they are not ‘finished’ completely although one part, or one cycle, has finished.

Flow never stops moving. It may change direction, depth, breadth or speed but it never stops. If you work with Flow you will undoubtedly see which part of your life (or projects) has reached its culmination. But as the conjunction indicates some of what you understand will depend on your perspective.

You may find that some things will complete: At a wedding two people stop being single; a dish of ingredients becomes a meal; a pregnancy becomes a person, but most circumstances will show that it is simply time for the next step — a different step.


Take control of your Destiny


Given that the geomes are in the 11th house (Sagittarius) we can see that whatever the circumstances you will be experiencing a certain amount of freedom, the ability to make your impression, even if a little impulsively.

The Pars Luna in the first house (Aquarius) suggests that the root of all this has actually been about you and should be helpful to you. In other words, to really understand the end of the cycle you need to consider your perception of yourself and finding how far you can go.


The Moon


If you are working in Flow you are likely to find that you have learned something important about yourself.

If you do not yet work with Flow you will probably find that you have simply done as much as you can with others.

What comes next comes next.

But for now, enjoy the Moon.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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