Laetitia in the second house (Pisces) is in its natural sign. This is going to produce a feeling that you are looking to find something, or that you’re looking to get rid of something, but that for whatever reason you find yourself being held back. This is confusing.
This can also indicate that you’re looking to find a reason for something. You’re looking to find some kind of rationale, some reasonable thought or purpose behind what’s going on.
The Flow suggests that you need a change of direction before matters will become clearer.
Later in the week Albus in the ninth house (Libra) makes its presence felt. This will bring some clarity to the situation. You are likely to find that you have been looking for your solution too locally. It usually helps to ‘get out more’ and here the Flow suggests that you need to get out of your current ways of thinking.
Let older, wiser counsel guide you. What has been lacking in many ways has been a difference in perspective.
You’re not likely to find what you’re looking for by staring at it directly. It will be more useful to you to look at the context. In other words, if you’re looking for a material thing then look for who would use it and where it would be used rather than looking for the thing itself.
If there is an idea you’re trying to catch then again look for the context: don’t try to define it and pin it down but rather see how it might be used and where.
In this way you allow your goal to emerge rather than to be identified.
What this means in practical terms is that what you’re looking for can come but you need to stop trying so hard — and you also need to allow it to come to you from ‘further away’.
In getting help from others you are likely to find that what will be given will be given freely. So you can stop asking and simply make the situation clearer. Others are likely to volunteer their help then. (If you think others might be too annoying in their suggestions then this post might help.)
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Amissio (1) in the fourth house (Taurus). If you are tuned into the Flow then all this should be intuitively clear to you. You will be able to see that you can find what you want by looking ‘elsewhere’.
When you work with your intuition you will know that what seems counter-intuitive is intuitively the right choice.
[bctt tweet=”What seems counter-intuitive is intuitively the right choice”]
There was one Rogue this week: Albus. My feeling is that instead of giving greater emphasis to the wisdom from others it is more likely to indicate the need to do less and to think and feel more about your situation.
‘Smooth your way’ through the week rather than trying to enforce your will.
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Thank you.
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