Rubeus in the 11th house (Aries) suggests that some long-term plans—and perhaps even longer established friends—can be relied on to provide guidance this week.
Now it may be that you don’t feel you need any guidance. Perhaps you feel that you have things all sorted out. But the three sets of double-Taps in the geome here suggest that some ‘established help or contacts’ can usefully supplement what you already think and know. That said, input from others will need to be carefully balanced, as we’ll see.
There may be a temptation to consider too-wild ideas and approaches if you are not careful. And while it can be fun to speculate on how things might develop it might be best for the moment to stick to the more tried and tested approaches which you know work. The best guidance you get will help you see patterns, principles and processes. (You can come up with specific actions yourself and don’t need help with that!). It’s the ability to stand back and see other perspectives and the wider picture which is probably going to be most useful here.
Albus in the 3rd house (Leo) indicates that any alterations which need to be made should be sufficiently thought through. The approach you take to matters this week needs to have what can perhaps best be described as the ‘best fit’ approach. Look for the well-worn groove, the familiar touch, the known and established path.
This does not mean being boring, predictable or average at all. It simply means that you should use an economy of effort to do what needs to be done. There’s no point in making it harder for yourself than it needs to be.
The Pars Plutii sits in the 5th house (Libra) this week giving that other side of the ‘people offering advice’ situation mentioned above. You may find that others, seemingly with the best of intentions, get in the way of what you need to get done. Watch out for the suggestion to ‘see both sides’. At the moment, that suggestion turns out to be not so helpful. When you know the way, stick to it (unless you have a very good and compelling reason to change!)
The Flow running through this Casting is to travel between beacons… Keep to the beacon you know and keep it at the appropriate setting for your direction. That first beacon is your starting point. It marks the place where you started, your plans and your first fixed post. This is a time when you can start to think about the next beacon along the way however…

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio (2) in the 7th house (Sagittarius). This is the clear sign that what will help you most will be to set a clear direction. It is setting a marker light as a beacon for the future.
This will prove useful, particularly in dealing with others.
This beacon will need to be carefully thought through as it will help you work forwards in your connections with others.
This is a time when you can work out how you will interact with others in your projects. Specifically, you will be able to decide the amount of effort you need to put into future working relationships.
Working on this will help make many things easier for you for the future.
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