It’s that time of year again! The leaves are starting to change colour and it’s only a matter of time until they fall. Every good gust of wind from now on will be an opportunity for you to catch a leaf and ‘touch the hair of the Goddess‘. Get ready to touch her and to send in your pictures and links to your videos. If you are one of the Astrogemanti on the other side of the world (you know who you are) then send me a close up of blossom or a shoot will be fine and I’ll post it here.
We are taking a trip to Westonbirt Arboretum a little later today to see if she’s around… Wherever you are in the world take a moment to notice the changing of the seasons. It’s only a matter of time before you catch your next, or first, leaf.
UPDATE: Just got back and can report that the season has begun! Please see the end of this post…
We have not had in opposition aspect in the Castings for a little while now. Oppositions are always a good opportunity in Flow for clearing away dead wood and finding what works and what doesn’t.
This week sees Fortuna Minor again making an appearance, this time in the fifth house (Capricorn). With such a traditionally hard-working sign in the house of fun and friendly social contacts you could be forgiven for thinking that this week is going to be underwhelming. But that’s not quite the way of it.
It’s more likely that you will be so engrossed in what you’re trying to do that you either won’t have much time for socialising or that you will be working hard at what you love. There is also the possibility that if you do manage to get away that you will find that trivial socialising takes a lot of effort. You’ll feel as though you don’t have much time for others, let alone much in the way of fun. You may even feel that social contacts take you away from what you feel you should be doing.
It seems that much of the change you will experience this week will be internal. A lot of your new ideas will come from contacts and people who will challenge your intentions. This is often how oppositions work. So you’ll find that the socialising you need to do will not be of the trivial kind, but rather seeking out and welcoming those who can help provide a deeper understanding. This will obviously be a good thing!
The first indication of the change in Flow you are likely to experience will be an unexpected boost you receive in your friends and connections and, more particularly, in how they end up helping with your aims and objectives.
The Pars Solii this week is in the seventh house (Pisces) which suggests you have a strong need to identify with others and their problems at this time. This is likely to be creating a push-pull situation for you: you’re trying to work with others, solve people’s problems and to connect with others in some way but if they are actually present around you they are likely to be getting in your way!
This means that what you are trying to do is somehow desperately needed yet tantalisingly out of reach. That is going to begin to change.
Rubeus in the 11th house (Cancer) is what is going to bring about the transformation to enable you to connect deeply (and in mystery).

It may feel, as the week progresses, that you’ve been wading through mud in trying to get one step ahead. Rubeus now makes conscious what was unconscious. Whilst you are trying to push out and challenge it is this which will provide the inspiration. In some ways it provides the necessary healing at a higher level to allow you to make the necessary connections. You may not see this but you are likely to feel its results. Indeed you may not see or feel the changes which are being facilitated by Flow until they become suddenly obvious.
Side Comment: Flow does what it does without any thought for us. It’s like the rising or falling of the tide. Flow moves so naturally and imperceptibly that we frequently find ourselves ‘suddenly’ aware that the situation has changed. It’s more likely that your situation has been changing slowly and continuously but that it is we who suddenly notice that things are different because our attention has been elsewhere. Our busy lives misdirect us as ‘the nature of things’ works its magic.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (12) back in the fifth house (Capricorn). This shows the effect of the inspiration breaking through. You are likely to experience this as flights of fantasy combined with hard but creative experience.
Please don’t think that your physical circumstances will change that much. You are likely to find you have the same resources and constraints as before, but you will have improved prospects, new ways of thinking and applying what you know and what you can do. And as usual with anything to do with Capricorn, opportunity and the way forward will come dressed in work clothes.
The good news is that they will be clothes that you have chosen and which fit you well for the work you choose to do.
We’ve just got back from Westonbirt and the Goddess favoured us.
Drea was first to catch one (technique: Two-handed slap = 2 points):
I was next (technique: Body-slap = 1 point):
I then tried to get a video. It doesn’t always work; you’ve got to work at catching…:
One leaf seemed desperate to join in, waggling itself on the branch to try and break free:
The Body-slap (catching somewhere on your body and slapping it with a hand) only gets 1 point as you’ve got such a large catching area.
The Two-handed slap gets two points.
The Two-handed Cup catch gets 2 points because although it is a smaller area to hit and looks more graceful than the two-handed clap it’s only really a viable technique when there’s very little wind.
Clean one-handed catch in low wind gets 3 points.
Maximum points are only awarded for a Clean one-hand catch in high wind and is awarded 4 points.
All points for the catch will be forfeited if you do not reverently allow the leaf to fall gracefully to the ground after being caught. *smile*
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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