Via in the 9th house (Libra) is a beautiful placement. Beauty in all its forms: proportional, graceful, charming, aesthetic and loving. Here it additionally indicates a state of perfect balance between knowing all you need to know balanced with the potential to apply what you know wherever you please. Given that all the Taps are single Taps the emphasis here is on potential. You may feel as though some aspects of your life are pent-up at the moment. You may feel that there is a chunk of something missing though, like having all the paint but no brush. The best ideas in the world are worth nothing unless they are used or shared. The spark which lights that fuse is just around the corner though…
Via in the 11th house (Sagittarius) completes the picture later in the week. It provides the other half of the equation and allows you to rapidly understand and appreciate the full situation.
This seems to happen when there is a coming together of learning and ideas together with new input from known connections.
There feels to be quite an elevated mental atmosphere around events this week, too: learning, philosophy, education, theory and higher states of mind. Perhaps this is something you are working with or maybe it just becomes an influencing factor. Either way, the sextile aspect indicates that this is a good and harmonious environment in which you find yourself.
It is this second aspect of the Moon—this emotional, intuitive, deeply connected and larger-view of life and goals—which provides the necessary elements to complete the picture from earlier in the week.
Together they form a new picture, a tapestry or patchwork, a larger pattern and more complete picture.
The Pars Luna is in the 3rd house (Aries) and gives a very interesting and useful piece of advice when you look at this new picture: Don’t get taken in by initial thoughts and appearances! Don’t jump to conclusions. Don’t latch on to the first thing which presents itself. (Think of it this way: the Mona Lisa isn’t just a painting of a woman. You need to look and think more deeply.)
The key here is to dwell on the possibilities when you are in the new circumstances.
Look for the meaning of what is around you. This is a time to really take in what is around you.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Populus (1234) in the first house (Aquarius). If you are in Flow you will already have seen the shift from ‘knowing about’ to ‘knowing’ this week. If you are deep in Flow you will be able to realise that you are at an important point, maybe even a turning point, in some key matters.
Perhaps it is a viewpoint which suddenly opens up in front of you. The more you look the more there is to see. Vistas enlarge. There is almost too much to take in.
Mentally ‘sit’ for a while and get perspective.
Look at the colours, then at the distances, then at the heights and depths.
Listen. Feel where you are.
Pause and take it all in.
The world in a grain of sand.
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