A New Kind Of Cake

Tristitia + Puella → Amissio (4)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 10th April 2022

Tristitia in the 10th house (Capricorn) suggests a fast or certainly an unexpected change in circumstances is likely this week. You may find that this is a bit of a challenge to your capabilities at first. Perhaps you are offered a chance to shine with a special task.

It may seem quite clear what is being asked for or what is required but the details of how to get there may be a little sketchy. That might be a challenge, not least because it might seem a bit of a grind to get going or certainly an effort to get to the end point. Don’t beat yourself up if you find that you’ve been caught up in the excitement or possibilities and are not sure exactly the size of the thing you’ve taken on. Sometimes we just need to find a way to make things happen.

Puella in the 11th house (Aquarius) suggests that you are likely to find a clear way forward (aka ‘help and support’) from your deep network… old friends, family and contacts. Flow indicates that it is by organising your thinking in new or unaccustomed ways that you can gain clarity. And it is precisely that which your long-standing contacts can give you, or at least hint at, which then sparks ideas for you.

So, while Tristitia offers the initial opportunity, Puella says that you will need to think carefully and take advice.

This advice will then help you develop a plan of action.

Don’t feel alone and don’t try to figure this out all by yourself.


A new kind of cake, Pikrepo.com, (CCO)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Amissio (4) in the 12th house (Pisces). This suggests that following the path of persistence you will find that the opportunity to create the results you want then materialises.

The results, when they come, may surprise you: perhaps they will be somewhat unexpected in nature, but they will be imaginative and fitting.

By way of analogy, it would be like deciding to make a cake with ingredients that you had never used before. The amazing thing is that, with a little thought on your part, you find you create a wonderful new cake and everyone is pleased with how it turns out.

The Pars Uranii is in the 2nd house (Taurus) this week and reinforces this message. It says that the old expectations need to change. What worked in the past needs to be put aside for the moment.

Now is the time for a new approach to a new situation.


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Thank you.


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