Test What Works

Puella + Fortuna Minor → Caput Draconis (134)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 1st September 2019

This week we see another trine aspect in the Casting, meaning that the geomes and Active Transform will all be in the same elemental signs, in this case, Earth signs.

This means that you will be able to find and impose a practical and determined nature to your plans and actions.

The progression of Flow this week is quite straightforward: it travels from the job or tasks you have to do and then on to getting results in the real physical world. From there you will find you can put your heart and soul into what you need to do this week.

Puella in the sixth house (Capricorn) shows that you have been thinking hard. Perhaps even having to think slowly to deal with all the painstaking work which needs doing in the background. This provides a solid base from which you can start building, however. Your control, responsibility and dedication will all help you feel sure of the way forward. You’re also likely to find that your private thoughts need outward expression as the week progresses.

Thoughts on their own are useless without being acted upon.

This is interesting as many of your thoughts have likely been quite theoretical recently. The Pars Venusii in the ninth house (Aries) suggests that you know all the theory. It is now that you are finding that the philosophy needs to be turned into action, however. The knowledge you have gained, the learning and the authority it has granted you in fact need to make the transition from knowing to doing.

Fortuna Minor in the 10th house (Taurus) allows Flow a wonderfully mature expression of emotion. It is as if the solidity, the purpose, the truthfulness of what you are aiming to do simply shines out. It is this which is likely to carry the day for you. The honesty of your expression and the sincerity with which you connect with others is likely to attract very favourable results to you. On a hard surface with emotions swirling around your feet you need to take the next step. You need to test what works.

Test what works, Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash (CCO)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (134) in the second house (Virgo). In moving forward you are likely to notice that you inspire and are inspired by emotions. This is your way forward. This is your emotional connection with yourself and with others.

There is a simple brilliance and newness which is available to you. Be open to learning and feel what is right. There is no need to rush this but please do capitalise on what is going in your direction.

You already know enough to start.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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