This is a time when you can significantly change the depth of circumstances around you.
Via in the fifth house (Sagittarius) starts off the week with new hope and change in many areas. Whenever a Casting starts with Via the geome which follows will end up completely reversed in the Active Transform. Via here brings about significant change and, specifically, new birth. This new birth is not simply a natural growth or progression of what was in the past. It is both new and different. What was dead becomes living. What was impossible is now an option.
Coming as it does in the fifth house it is not only ‘change’ but also ‘chance’. You may find some aspect to this week’s events which are fortunate or which occur purely by accident. It is best to approach most of Flow this week in a state of hopeful anticipation.
Puella in the first house (Leo) simply opens up the one Tap at Level 2 of Via to show that it is our thoughts and ideas which become your focus later in the week. Specifically, you will find benefit in self-reflection in areas in which you can Contribute.
Others are in significant need all you can offer. So long as you do this in a thoughtful way based on their particular needs then your advances are likely to be well received. You will likely find that matters will then quickly escalate. Given that the aspect between the geomes is a trine you could be pleasantly surprised at what happens once you take the lid off the situation.
The Pars Luna in the ninth house (Aries) indicates that a strict adherence to the rules might have been holding you back. Now is the time to decide whether these rules are ‘laws’ or only ‘guidelines’. Decide. Commit. This is a time for clarification and expansion.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Rubeus (1234) in the ninth house (Aries). This suggests that what you have set in motion will quickly pick up speed. What was fixed now changes as its importance grows. Via has now transformed the second geome completely into all new Taps. The emphasis is on action—and radical action at that!
The difference is that physical action may not be the only thing to change. Mental action may also be generated: new and deeper philosophies and ideas; new ways of thinking about things; new learning and wider connections.
Whilst trines are very positive aspects be aware if matters start to get out of your grasp. Just because things are easy does not mean that they are without risk.
If you are driving the situation, then fine. If you are following the driving force of someone else, however, then be sure you set boundaries and make sure those boundaries are respected.
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