Populus in the sixth house (Aries) indicates that you feel a certain amount of impatience with work this week. It looks like you may be taking things too personally, however.
This is not because you are wrong, but because you want to be useful. You know you can make a contribution but things don’t seem to be moving quickly enough for you. You want activity and find that small irritations can begin to pile up on you if you’re not careful.
There is little point in telling you not to get irritated, however. It’s just how you’re feeling. You want things to move smoothly and quickly to their end. And as it turns out, that’s going to be key.
The Pars Luna is in the eighth house (Gemini). It clearly indicates that quick results are unlikely when you want to change things this big. Big change needs to be of high quality. You need to get out all the roots of the problem. And that’s going to take time to get right.
So it’s understandable if you’re feeling a little irritated, if not bored. You know you’re right, so why is nothing happening?
Feelings of frustration can be born of that tension between wanting to take action and results not coming even though everything seems ready. So, what’s the hold-up?
Albus in the 11th house (Virgo) shows you increasingly putting out energy, effort and wisdom towards others. Albus is in its natural sign here and shows all the wisdom of which it is capable. This shows that you will aim to take care of practical matters in connection with others. You will find your skills and knowledge can pay off when dealing with them, but that you may find that for some reason things still don’t quite ‘click’.
In this placement you’ll find yourself wondering if all your hard work will pay off and whether the results really will be in the details. You may be learning a lot, but are you learning the right things?
Tip of the week: Watch out for pleasant lies! Don’t get sucked in by them — from others or from yourself! Instead, go inside yourself for your answers. You’ll know when you’re doing the right things because being picky will give way to being precise. Specifically, when you wonder about the way forward this week you will likely find that irritations will fade, distractions will be removed and focus will be generated when you go to a deeper level. Go in and down, not out and up.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is also Albus in the fourth house (Aquarius). This shows that as much as you are trying to get good quality forward movement it is your internal quality which you need to examine.
Specifically, the Active Transform is advising that you don’t just work on ‘important matters’ but to make sure they are important in the right direction.
Stay focused on your core and go deeper. Others may feel you are being unconventional but you’re not. They just don’t understand your conventions.
Stay calm and channel your physical efforts. You can do this by not distracting yourself. Look for a new idea of how to do things better.
It’s a pretty good shot in golf if you can land the ball right next to the hole…
Some people will pray for a gust of wind to just nudge the ball into the hole with no effort on their part.
Others will follow the rules of golf by walking up to the ball and taking the shot by tapping it that small distance into the hole.
But here’s what the Active Transform is advising you to do:
Don’t wait for the wind.
Don’t tap it in.
Pick up the ball, walk back to the tee and take the whole shot again.
Play by your rules and get the result you want, your way.
Good enough is not good enough. But perfect isn’t necessary either.
The middle way is to go inside, go deep and feel what’s right.
The usual rules don’t apply. ‘They’ won’t have the answers.
You know who does have them, however… and how to get them!
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