A Delicate Balance

Carcer + Via → Conjunctio (14)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 22nd January 2023

What a weight of knowledge and experience you bear! The house and sign of this conjunction make this a transformative placement, however, so change is on the way.

This week the heavy, old and wise is transformed by the delicate and fragile to give a new and vigorous way forward. This mood is underpinned by mystical insights which guide the process of change.

So much is unusually poetic for a Casting(!), so let us bring this back to the more practical.

Carcer in the 3rd house (Pisces) is conjunct to Via and presents opportunities to use your wisdom and experience this week during changing circumstances. You may feel that it would be easy to slip into a glum mood at times especially if everything seems hard going.

You need to realise, however, that this is a time of sloughing off the old skin and of laying aside burdens which no longer serve you.

You need to shift the focus away from yourself, too. Stop over-thinking things.

It is time to renew and refresh—but do so wisely. Be guided by your deepest currents as to what to shed and what to keep as a hard-won treasure.

Via in the 3rd house (Pisces) indicates that later in the week heaviness gives way to lightness—the almost unbearable and heady lightness of new possibilities.

The Pars Saturnii in the 1st house (Capricorn) shows the importance of not letting world-weariness cloud your way forward. You don’t need to hang on to what no longer serves you from the past.

Simply use your skills, knowledge and experience to guide you to the right place for you now.


A Delicate Balance, Dimadim_art, Pixabay, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio (14), also in the 3rd house (Pisces). This shows that if you keep the delicate balance between forces in Flow this week then new, interesting and deep changes are possible.

Carcer’s heavy and leaden teaching is transformed by Via’s soft moonbeams into the heavy silver metal of Conjunctio’s mercury.

You can now move forward very quickly with the changes you want to make, dissolving all problems in your way.


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Thank you.


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