Tarot Conference

Who’s Worms Are They?

This week is likely to see a significant shift in the feelings and events in your life. The first part of the week will see a very focused approach to dealing with people.  If others get your way they are likely to get the message that they are part of […]

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, July, August, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, July, August, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

A Classroom Of One

So, who you are trying to impress? This week sees you trying to get up to speed with a view to extending your world around you.  You have a nice, even balance at the moment, so should you be trying to push out further after all your hard work recently?  […]

Keeping Still In Times Of Change

This week sees some rapid changes at work or in how people see you, or both.  You are likely to find that things change fairly rapidly this week: new ideas, new gadgets, new directions, but most of all in a new drive forward. Just when you’re getting used one thing […]

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, July, June, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, July, June, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Share And Prepare

Connect with others and share your feelings this week. This is a time for being demonstrative.  It is a time the sharing and of finding who has the same interests as you physically and mentally. The best way to do this is to show your nurturing side.  Do not try […]

Change, Change Again And Bring It On Home

This week will see some significant and beneficial changes for you.  You will think those changes are happening outside yourself but in fact the changes are going to be within you.  Because your view of what is happening changes it seems that others are changing.  If you are objective you […]

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, July, June, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy