Saddle Up For Your Mental Journey 2

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, August, July, 2015, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Populus + Fortuna Major → Fortuna Major
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 13th September 2015


This week sees you finally getting a clear head and coming up with plans which are both practical and inspired. And because the ideas are meant to be practical don’t let any initial emotions run away with you.

These emotions are likely to be caused by other people’s reactions, but as we’ll see in a moment emotions can be useful, so don’t get hung up on the intensity of the feeling.


Populus in the third house (Scorpio) means that you will be bringing together a lot of loose ends this week. There’s going to be a lot of finishing off and finalising going on.

In some ways it may feel like you are putting the final touches to a house move: boxing everything up, putting it on the cart and starting off for your new home.

You might find that this means that you come up against somewhat of a wall of fixed ideas, probably from people close to you who are not as ready to change as you are.

This ‘opposition’ could take one of a number of forms (the quincunx aspect can be a little challenging at times). Either you will meet firm opposition and you will be clear that you don’t want any part of what they say OR you can use any opposition as a whetstone to test and sharpen your own ideas. My feeling is that it is this second option which is most likely. And you benefit from the opposition as it will force you to slow down just a little stop you from going off too far too soon into flights of fancy. It will also remind you that people genuinely care about you. They are not being obstructive just for the sake of it, they just don’t want you to get hurt. Take their opposition for what it’s worth. It’s always nice to know that you are loved!

Another interesting feature of this placement of the geome is that as the Geomantic Flow takes hold you will start to see its influence in all the changes and plans you make. Everything will be painted with the same brush. Immediate changes, small changes, large changes, slow changes, fast changes… you will want to do all of them with the same kind of spirit. And in this way you will be able to see the Flow manifest in your life’s circumstances.

With Fortuna Major in the eighth house (Aries) you will definitely feel a very strong commitment to making personal changes this week. Its influence here means that while this is generally a positive influence you should watch that you are not too headstrong, making too many changes at once.

Make changes in your thinking and get your head straight, by all means. But don’t start changing things physically too far, too soon. This is going to be a heady time in the true sense of the word. Your thoughts and ideas will be in charge. You are likely to find it a challenge to change circumstances physically if others are not yet ready to make a move yet.

Use your mental energy to make slow and steady progress internally. And, in a nice link to the Active Transform, you will find it more useful to have a broad plan of where you want to go next and then to start working on the details…


Take control of your Destiny


To capitalise on the Flow we need to see where the Active Transform Fortuna Major is pointing. In the first house (Virgo) it shows that you are likely to find that it’s the small details that will help you smooth things out with other people — and with yourself.

It’s now that you will be just able to see how best you can serve yourself and others as your ideas start come together. (This neatly carries on from the Casting last week.)

This is a time not just for planning, but planning to do. You’ll also find that you will get the most out of the Flow by working to improve your unique circumstances — let others take care of themselves for the moment.

You’ll find that it is the small bit of grit in the shoe, rather than 1000 mile journey, which causes you the discomfort unless you attend to it this week. So make sure you spend time in getting rid of anything which might prove an irritation to your intentions.

Use your mental energy on offer to refine and stitch your ideas together.

The Geomantic Way this week is to look to find a way forward which is both comforting and satisfying to you while at the same time pushing yourself into new areas (hence the idea of practical inward planning). Actually this is likely to produce a weird feeling where you already seem to know what you will need to doing. Kind of like déjà vu for something you know you’ve never done! The Flow just provides the magical juice making it all come together.

Take what you already know and work with that.

You don’t need to be clever in being too creative about your plans. You just need to do what you know you need to do. You will find that will surprise people enough as it is!




There were no Rogues this week.



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Thank you.


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2 thoughts on “Saddle Up For Your Mental Journey

    • LesCross Post author

      You are welcome, Tony. I hope it’s a useful casting for you.

      Actually, the more I think about this casting the more I wonder how the Scorpio influence is going to play out. Populus in Scorpio and then Fortuna Major in the eighth (traditional house of Scorpio). For some this may affect their intuition, for others more emotional upheaval and still others a deep understanding for the process of change.

      Should be interesting… 🙂