Go Your Own Way

Caput Draconis + Carcer → Cauda Draconis (234)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 2nd August 2020

The message of Flow is very clear this week: You’ve got everything you need, it’s time to go your own way.

Caput Draconis in the third house (Virgo) indicates that you are sufficiently inspired to be able to kick things off for yourself this week. And those inspiring ideas really do seem to be key. It’s almost as if there is an inner message encouraging you to do what you need to do, to focus on what is critical for you at this time. Go with it!

There is an indication that you may still feel unsure, however. You may feel that want to check, to think and to work through other possibilities. Flow suggests that you don’t need to. ‘But, but, but…’ you protest! You may feel the need to take the views of others into consideration, too. You should, but in a particular way…

The Pars Draconii is in the seventh house (Capricorn) and this is the influence which directly points towards others. Taken with the first geome the message is clear: you do not need help from others in fact! You have already got from them what you need. You already know their ideas and requirements. Use their point of view, requirements and suggestions as guidelines only. What you do not need at the moment is their opinions!

Carcer in the ninth house (Pisces) shows that you may be tempted to try and see whether you are following the right theory, philosophy and teaching. That is not a relevant question. You are likely to find that the already ‘accepted wisdom’ does not—and will not—apply to your case.

You are in largely uncharted territory. You need to go your own way.


Go your own way, Mantas Hesthaven, Unsplash, (CC0), 700

Checking against the accepted way will likely muddy the waters for you. Stay away from it, it won’t help. In fact it will only hold you up. It will present you with doubts and uncertainties and force you to go over old ground. This will not help. Carcer is very clear on this.

You need to keep to the unique perspective from your own heart and mind.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (234) back in the third house (Virgo). This shows that you need to go back to the basics. Your basics. Specifically you need to trust yourself.

Make the world as you want to see it.

Your thoughts.

Your actions.

Produce your projects in the way you want.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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